Plain js files are not copied to the public folder
I would like to move my website from hakyll to spike. I have some js-files from a wrapbootstrap-theme who are not copied to the output folder. What am I missing/doing wrong?
How to process css import from npm in spike app
down vote
I'm trying to include purecss from npm into my spike app, which throws the loader error, can someone let me know the way to import css file from npm
How to use bootstrap 4
In the dev version of bootstrap 4 docs there is a section of using webpack, given spike is also based on webpack, how can I make sites that use bootstrap css and js?
Embedded extends
Is it possible to have embedded extends (It hasn't worked for me)
using scss-files
How can I include bootstrap scss-files to project?
(I don't want completely change to "scss-only mode", just import bootstrap scss-files and keep using Spike CSS Standard stack)
External Libraries
Do you support windows?
Do you support windows?
How to replace SugarML in reshape-standard
Access Remote data from remote API
HI, I was wondering how we can access to remote data through an API? I'm using roots.cx with records and it works fine but how would I do the same with Spike? I'm evaluating Spike to find out if I would move over. Thank you very much for your help!!!
Multi language sites
I'm looking at using a static site generator for an internal project, but it will need to be translated into a few languages. Do you have a plan for how to support multi language sites as part of Spike?