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How to speed up compile time?

Hi, there, and thanks for creating Spike. I'm liking it and going down the path of using it to create a design system, but it seems to be dead slow to recompile, even just using the default template and starting a watch. I want to figure out whether I can configure the devserver to do hot reloading, too, but are there any tricks to make compiles faster? I'm talking about even a single line of added CSS. Thanks.

Do you support windows?

Do you support windows? I made a test project and ran 'npm i spike -g' > 'spike new spike-test', then when I run 'spike watch' I get an error. That looks something an issue with running the cli commands. Bellow is a stack trace of the problem. I got really excited when I heard about Spike for windows, as someone who enjoys jekyll and javascript. Here's a gist of the stacktrace. Let me know what you think

Embedded extends

Is it possible to have embedded extends (It hasn't worked for me)

How to minify image?

Could you give me pointer or example how to do proper image minification in spike? The webpack docs mention using image-webpack-loader. I'm a noob in here and there are so many things to learn in webpack universe.

Access Remote data from remote API

HI, I was wondering how we can access to remote data through an API? I'm using roots.cx with records and it works fine but how would I do the same with Spike? I'm evaluating Spike to find out if I would move over. Thank you very much for your help!!!



Plain js files are not copied to the public folder

I would like to move my website from hakyll to spike. I have some js-files from a wrapbootstrap-theme who are not copied to the output folder. What am I missing/doing wrong? The code is at https://github.com/obcode/ob.cs.hm.edu/tree/spike. I have started with `spike new` using the default template. Files which are not copied are found in assets/js and assets/cubeportfolio/js. The file `assets/js/app.js` is referenced from withing views/layout.sgr. Can anyone give me some help, please.

How do I include an image?

I am completely new to Spike, how do I include an image? I used Webpack before and used an url loader, do I do the same? Thanks

why does it remove my white spaces

Hi if have got the follow html. <div translate="no" typeof="schema:PostalAddress"> <span property="schema:name">{{ store.store.name }}</span><br /> <span property="schema:streetAddress">{{ store.store.address.street }}</span><br /> <span property="schema:postalCode">{{ store.store.address.zipcode }}</span> <span property="schema:addressLocality">{{ store.store.address.place }}</span><br /> <span property="schema:addressCountry">{{ store.store.address.country }}</span><br /> {{ store.store.address.phone }}<br /> <a href="mailto:{{ store.store.address.email }}">{{ store.store.address.email }}</a><br /> </div> I put a space between 2 elements tag when i compile te spaces are removed. this is also if i put there &nbsp; What do i need to do to get this fixed